The Fundamental Laning Course
The ”Fundamental Laning Course” teaches all laning concepts I’ve perfected the past 8 years as a Challenger player. You will learn to master concepts 95% of League players are not utilizing in their gameplay
Close Out Games Without Insane Mechanics or Endless Grinding
In this course you will learn all the tools necessary to structure your mid-late Macro and Tempo as a side laner. You will learn to prioritize the right objectives, and understand Tempo from both perspectives. The Laning phase generally ends around minute 13-15 when plates and side lane turrets drop, and from this point onwards you need will need Macro & Tempo understanding to direct you to Victory. I will teach you how to close out games consistently.
Prioritizing the right objectives and Mastering tempo sounds pretty simple, but remember that League is a game of nuances and that every scenario will be different. You will have to learn to be adaptive, and we can only be adaptive if we understand the core concepts well. Most people don’t have a clear understanding of these concepts, and as a result they will often be confused on their next steps and feel lost.
We will first learn how to properly manage sidewaves as this is our foundation. Once you know how to manage sidewaves, everything will expand from that like efficient rotations, how to maintain high resource income and when to splitpush or team fight. As you progress through this course you will learn that everything in the mid-late is actually just about Mastering Tempo and Resource Income. Once you start understanding both your own, and the Tempo of your opponents, you will always be one step ahead and this will be the glue to consistently closing out your games.
The Macro & Tempo Course will provide you with everything you need to consistently close out your games. After mastering the covered topics, you’ll navigate the mid-late game with confidence. No more uncertainty – you’ll know exactly where to be on the map at the right time. Watch the videos, Apply what you learn, and start winning games consistently. Time to take CONTROL
Admittedly, I was pretty hesitant on picking up the Mid game Macros and Tempo guide. I've always been someone that struggles to apply concepts unless I can learn from experience via tutoring or teaching. But the examples Alois uses in his videos and even 'testing' you based on what you've learnt from the previous sessions really helped me understand not only WHEN to do a specific concept, but also the WHY. Within a day I went from Emerald 4 to Diamond 1 and am about 2-3 games off Masters. Thanks for the good content Alois!
I always struggled to get out of this elo simply because I didn't know how to convert my lead in an optimal way and close out the games. I would often make poor rotation decisions and have poor map movement and sometimes wouldn't end up in crucial fights or I would randomly not manage side waves properly and lose gold/exp in that way. This course touches on all of these concepts and it's done really well, and without this course, I wouldn't be able to figure out stuff on my own, or it would take me too long by self-analyzing. Really useful course even if you are higher elo, will definitely help you out!
Mid-late game macro course, thoroughly noted and soaked in everything and I’m now on my way to Platinum 4. Left this game 8 years ago in Iron and came back Gold 1-2 average with a notable 55% WR on 89 games. Jungle main and top enjoyer would recommend for those who struggle with the late game. The climb continues and up to Emerald I go. Confidence boost throughout after the course with a better understanding. Check out the mid-late game tempo course!
The ”Fundamental Laning Course” teaches all laning concepts I’ve perfected the past 8 years as a Challenger player. You will learn to master concepts 95% of League players are not utilizing in their gameplay
In the “Riven Matchup Course,” you’ll dive deep into mastering her matchups which is by far the most time-consuming part of learning Riven. You’ll learn the essential skills to get ahead so you can carry games.
Once you've purchased a course you will have permanent access to it!
It's for Both! I've had feedback from all Elo ranges telling me it is has helped them immensely with structuring their gameplay and helping them on their journey.
All videos are from a Toplane perspective, yet I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from Mid and ADC players as well. This is because the core concepts being taught apply to every role, not just Toplane – I recommend watching the preview video, then decide if the course will be useful for you.
I would always suggest starting with the ''Laning Fundamentals'' course, since this is the easiest course to apply in your games and also the most important.
Close Out Games Without Insane Mechanics or Endless Grinding
In this course you will learn all the tools necessary to structure your mid-late Macro and Tempo as a side laner. You will learn to prioritize the right objectives, and understand Tempo from both perspectives. The Laning phase generally ends around minute 13-15 when plates and side lane turrets drop, and from this point onwards you need will need Macro & Tempo understanding to direct you to Victory. I will teach you how to close out games consistently.
Prioritising the right objectives and Mastering tempo sounds pretty simple, but remember that League is a game of nuances and that every scenario will be different. You will have to learn to be adaptive, and we can only be adaptive if we understand the core concepts well. Most people don’t have a clear understanding of these concepts, and as a result they will often be confused on their next steps and feel lost. I will give you a clear blueprint on how to structure your mid-late so you will feel confident in your decision-making at all times.
We will first learn how to properly manage sidewaves as this is our foundation. Once you know how to manage sidewaves, everything will expand from that like efficient rotations, how to maintain high resource income and when to splitpush or team fight. As you progress through this course you will learn that everything in the mid-late is actually just about Mastering Tempo and Resource Income. Once you start understanding both your own, and the Tempo of your opponents, you will always be one step ahead and this will be the glue to consistently closing out your games.
The Macro & Tempo Course will provide you with everything you need to consistently close out your games. After mastering the covered topics, you’ll navigate the mid-late game with confidence. No more uncertainty – you’ll know exactly where to be on the map at the right time. Watch the videos, Apply what you learn, and start winning games consistently. Time to take CONTROL
Admittedly, I was pretty hesitant on picking up the Mid game Macros and Tempo guide. I've always been someone that struggles to apply concepts unless I can learn from experience via tutoring or teaching. But the examples Alois uses in his videos and even 'testing' you based on what you've learnt from the previous sessions really helped me understand not only WHEN to do a specific concept, but also the WHY. Within a day I went from Emerald 4 to Diamond 1 and am about 2-3 games off Masters. Thanks for the good content Alois!
I always struggled to get out of this elo simply because I didn't know how to convert my lead in an optimal way and close out the games. I would often make poor rotation decisions and have poor map movement and sometimes wouldn't end up in crucial fights or I would randomly not manage side waves properly and lose gold/exp in that way. This course touches on all of these concepts and it's done really well, and without this course, I wouldn't be able to figure out stuff on my own, or it would take me too long by self-analyzing. Really useful course even if you are higher elo, will definitely help you out!
Mid-late game macro course, thoroughly noted and soaked in everything and I’m now on my way to Platinum 4. Left this game 8 years ago in Iron and came back Gold 1-2 average with a notable 55% WR on 89 games. Jungle main and top enjoyer would recommend for those who struggle with the late game. The climb continues and up to Emerald I go. Confidence boost throughout after the course with a better understanding. Check out the mid-late game tempo course!
The ”Fundamental Laning Course” teaches all laning concepts I’ve perfected the past 8 years as a Challenger player. You will learn to master concepts 95% of League players are not utilizing in their gameplay
In the “Riven Matchup Course,” you’ll dive deep into mastering her matchups which is by far the most time-consuming part of learning Riven. You’ll learn the essential skills to get ahead so you can carry games.
Once you've purchased a course you will have permanent access to it!
It's for Both! I've had feedback from all Elo ranges telling me it is has helped them immensely with structuring their gameplay and helping them on their journey.
All videos are from a Toplane perspective, yet I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback from Mid and ADC players as well. This is because the core concepts being taught apply to every role, not just Toplane – I recommend watching the preview video, then decide if the course will be useful for you.
I would always suggest starting with the ''Laning Fundamentals'' course, since this is the easiest course to apply in your games and also the most important.