
Author name: admin@alois

€ 100

The Only Riven Matchup Course You Need

In the “Riven Matchup Course,” you’ll dive deep into mastering her matchups which is by far the most time-consuming part of learning Riven. You’ll learn the essential skills to get ahead so you can carry games.

€ 100

The Mid-late Macro & Tempo Course

Inside the ”Mid-Late Macro & Tempo Course” You’ll learn how to control the mid-game and close out your games consistently by perfecting your decision making and using your tempo to gain MASSIVE gold leads

€ 100

The Fundamental Laning Course

The ”Fundamental Laning Course” teaches all laning concepts I’ve perfected the past 8 years as a Challenger player. You will learn to master concepts 95% of League players are not utilizing in their gameplay

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